Saturday, October 31, 2009

Transformative Masks!!

Today we used foam and various materials and methods to make trans formative masks.
We saw some examples of masks from all over the world, and then made our own.

We also learned a lot about how to work in an organized fun classroom.
We can freeze into statues in 2 seconds! wow

Monday, October 26, 2009

Art Storms: weather tampered art

Today we made small paintings and then "tampered" with them using materials that represents elements from nature.
We had:
water and oil station where students could spray drip and dropper water and vegetable oil onto their paintings
Wind station with hairdryers and straws
Earth station with charcoal dust, sand and salt

So much fun!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Welcome to Art Explorations!

SUPER!natural is the Art Explorations class from the Saturday Studios at MassArt.
We are a group of 4th and 5th graders and two "grown ups," Lee and Mariah.

This week:
Who are we?
What is nature?